Current Conditions >> Lower Marsh Creek

Lower Marsh Creek

Marsh Ck looking downstream.
Marsh Ck looking downstream.

From Here Data for the Past Six Days Can Be Viewed

Gage house  contains a stilling well and recording-telemetry equipment.
Gage house contains a stilling well and recording-telemetry equipment.


Latitude N: 42.782005269
Longitude W: -112.237091747
Bannock County, Idaho, on upstream side of a private pedestrian bridge, 100 feet east of Marsh Creek Road, 0.5 mi west of Interstate 15, 5 mi south of Inkom and 6 mi north of McCammon.


YSI 5920 multiparameter water quality sonde with temperature, specific conductance, pH, dissolved oxygen, and turbidity

Period of Record:

13 July 2003 – present during ice free conditions

The hinge-mounted pipe suspends and protects water quality probes.
The hinge-mounted pipe suspends and protects water quality probes.